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St Teresa's Primary School, Loughmacrory, Omagh, Tyrone

Primary 2

Welcome to Our Class

There’s lots to do in P2!

School Day:

            9.10am:    School prayer assembly

            10.45am – 11.00am:  Break

            11.50am - 12.25pm: Lunch

            2.00pm:     Home time

Typical Daily Timetable:


Child of the Day

Visual Timetable

Indoor/Outdoor Play

Musical Pathways

Show & Tell



Guided Reading Taskboard/Whole class literacy


Mental Maths

Numeracy Taskboard

Topic work/PDMU/PATHS

Story Time 


In Year 2 we have homework Monday to Thursday 

  • Literacy – Monday and Wednesday
  • Numeracy – Tuesday and Thursday
  • Spellings and Reading every night.


In Year 2 we learn lots of exciting and new things across all areas of the Curriculum. Teresa Kelly is the P2 Foundation Stage Classroom Assistant.

We follow the Sounds Write programme at St. Teresa’ which is an excellent resource for teaching phonics. We will also be reading lots of interesting books through modelled, shared and guided reading. We use a wide range of schemes to suit all abilities. We love using Reading Eggs to extend our reading skills. We participate in lots of talking and listening activities. We create wonderful stories…you’ll be amazed to see what we can do.

We will be learning lots about Processes in Maths, Number, Data Handling, Measures and Shape and Space. We especially enjoy completing our numeracy tasks in an interactive manner using our white board and activities during Play. Numeracy is lots of fun and we love taking part in mental math games. We also enjoy using Mathletics in school and at home to develop our numeracy skills.

World Around Us
Here are some of the exciting topics we can look forward to studying this year. These thrilling topics will mean there will be lots to keep us busy and lots of cross curricular links to enjoy.

  • Wonderful Me/Hospital
  • Halloween
  • Autumn on the farm
  • Christmas
  • Winter
  • Toys
  • Springtime Flowers
  • At the building site
  • Summer Sunshine

We also complete lots of STEM experiments and investigations through these topics to test things out and discover new facts. We can’t wait to share our knowledge.

Personal Development and Mutual Understanding
We all love PDMU because we get to explore our personal and emotional development, health and safety, relationships with others and how we can all work together for the good of our community. We are able to discuss all our hopes and fears in a safe environment during Circle Time and we can also have fun in doing so! We use the PATHS Programme in PDMU and we love selecting the Child of the Day and sharing our compliments with them.

We have P.E. every Friday morning. Please ensure you child wears suitable footwear to school on PE day.

The Arts
In Year 2 we are exposed to lots of wonderful opportunities to be creative. We especially love participating in a variety of music, dance and art activities that we can complete through our cross curricular topics. We are very lucky to have Musical Pathways with Gerarda every Wednesday.

We follow the Grow in Love Programme and we learn about how important God is to us in our lives. We explore all the different celebrations throughout the church year and learn to recite new prayers including: Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be. Fr. Mallon & Fr. O’Neill also visit us throughout the school year.


We use ICT in various aspects of the school day to enhance our learning. We make great use of our new smart touch board, ipads, laptops and beebots to explore and develop new skills in using ICT.

Our Latest P2 News...

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Other Year 2 Information

What we are looking for in Year 2

  • Enthusiasm
  • Effort
  • Enjoyment
  • Team work and independent work
  • Excellent manners & being kind
  • Helpful pupils
  • Initiative

 Class Rewards:

  • Top Saver in P2
  • Wonderful work
  • Golden Time


Dinner costs £2.60 per day. Money can be sent in for Breakfast club which is available for all children from 8.50-9.10am every morning. 

There’s lots to do……in Year 2



30th Jan 2025
Check out the beautiful and creative St Brigid's crosses the Primary children made...