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St Teresa's Primary School, Loughmacrory, Omagh, Tyrone

Primary 4

Open the Door to Year Four!

Welcome to Primary 4’s website page. We hope you enjoy finding out about all the fun activities we do in our class. As well as our core subjects, we enjoy PE, tin whistle lessons, Learning Centres and lots more! We are also looking forward to celebrating the Sacraments this year too. The P4 children take part in a wide range of valuable and fun learning opportunities throughout the year including Relax Kids, Maths Week challenges, Feeling Safe week competitions, Assemblies for the Feast of All Saints and the Holy Souls, Internet Safety Week tasks, Do this in memory masses, FIN (Family Involvement in Numeracy) and World Book Week competitions.


Important Times

9.10 am - School Starts                                                                                     10.45am - Break                                                                                                               12.30 pm – Lunchtime                                                                                            2.45pm - Home time

In Primary 4 we have homework every night from Monday to Thursday. Homework is noted in the children’s Homework diaries and include:

Literacy- Grammar, Spelling and Comprehension activities
Numeracy - Number Work, Problem Solving based on topic


In Primary 4 we learn from a well-planned, relevant and varied curriculum with opportunities for active learning where we make connections in our learning and where personal and social skills are enhanced. The children are fully involved in their learning, even at the planning stage.

Language & Literacy tasks are threaded throughout the P4 curriculum and so the children have plenty of opportunities to develop these vital skills. We plan for Language and Literacy using topics and themes to develop writing, reading, talking & listening. Weekly Guided Reading lessons provide opportunities for the children to enjoy and explore a variety of reading genres and to enhance their comprehension skills.

Numeracy: Mathematical skills and knowledge are developed and embedded using a variety of approaches to suit all learning styles and abilities; practical, Problem-solving, investigative tasks, ICT based, Mental Maths tasks and maths games are planned for to maximise mathematical thinking in P4! We use a variety of published Maths resources to complement the teaching of maths lessons in Primary, such as: Power Maths.

Religion: In Primary 4, Religion is particularly important for us with preparations for and the celebrating of the Sacraments of Penance and the Eucharist. We use the Grow in Love programme to deliver the Religious curriculum in P4. An exciting year for the children, their families, the school and the whole community. We are brilliantly supported by our fantastic priests Fr Mallon and Fr O’Neill.

World Around Us: Topics in this area include Harvest Time in Loughmacrory, Halloween now and then, Christmas around the world, Life in Polar Lands, Pirates and Living things around us. Topics provide a super context for the children to connect their learning and develop their skills in fun and meaningful contexts.

Primary 4 is the end of Key Stage 1 and it is an important year for promoting enthusiasm, effort, team work, independent learning, respect for everyone, positive behaviour and enjoyment for learning.

 Class Rewards:

  • Table of the Week
  • Pupil of the Day
  • Up to 20 minutes Golden Time per week!!




31st Jan 2025
Thank you to the ‘Ladies Friendship Group’ who kindly helped our children...
21st Jan 2025
Thank you to all the P4 children and their families who came along to our F.I.N (Family...
16th Jan 2025
A big "Thank You" to the Primary 7 Maths Buddies for helping our Primary 4 children...
8th Nov 2024
The P4 children presented a special assembly in the chapel to commemorate our dear...