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St Teresa's Primary School, Loughmacrory, Omagh, Tyrone

Primary 5

School Day
9:10am - School Starts
10:45am - Break
12:30pm -  Lunch
2:45pm - Home time
In Primary 5 we will continue to build on the firm foundations laid in Key Stage 1. 
We will promote independence and we will aim to provide a wide range of opportunities for learning in fun and engaging ways. Our curriculum is made up from the following subjects:

In Primary 5 we’ll be aiming to develop our reading, writing, spelling, talking and listening skills in many different ways. We will continue to use Reading Eggs and will study popular authors such as Roald Dahl, JK Rowling, as well as tapping in to children’s interests.  As emerging independent readers we will explore fiction and non-fiction text and will begin to notice different genres of reading and writing in a supported and scaffolded way through the use of shared, guided and modelled experiences.

In Primary 5, we’re delighted to have the opportunity to continue with our ‘Power Maths’ scheme. We look forward to seeing how it will positively impact on your child’s learning. We will cover Processes in Maths, Number, Data Handling, Measures and Shape and Space in an active and cross-curricular way.  We will use Maths trails, outdoor investigations and lots of problem-solving activities to ensure children feel confident and empowered in this area. IZAK9 and Mathletics will provide further consolidation with this important area of learning.

In Primary 5 we’ll be following the themes provided in the  Grow in Love programme.  We will also discuss the importance of our Parish and listen to lots of stories about Jesus.  We will always encourage everyone to follow the example Jesus taught us, through our daily prayers, weekly visit to Mass and through our interactions with one another.

World Around Us:

We encourage each child to be environmentally friendly. Our school Green Team promote energy conservation, recycling and regeneration. We aim to contribute as much as possible to our school area and community by planting hedges, trees and flowers. We collaborate with Sustrans to promote good choices that have a positive impact on ourselves and our environment. Our main World Around Us topics this year are:

  • Our Community
  • Halloween
  • Space
  • Christmas
  • Flight
  • Egyptians

These topics will allow us to share new experiences and develop our skills and knowledge in all cross curricular areas. We will also organise various events and initiatives such as Sustrans Ditch the Dark, The Big Pedal, the Daily Mile, Cycle to School week.


In this area, we use the PATHs programme. Children will also have opportunities to use Mindfulness techniques and learn about managing their own and other’s emotions. We’ll encourage a healthy life-style, including a healthy break and lunch and we will do our best to promote healthy habits for life.


In Primary 5 ICT is incorporated into our lessons every day of the week. We regularly use iPads and laptops to showcase our learning and to develop our ICT skills. We use a range of apps to consolidate lots of curricular areas and our school has recently secured Clevertouch Interactive Whiteboards to ensure our kids have access to the most recent and up to date ICT resources. We recognise the role of ICT in our lives and in the lives of our children and we appreciate the support of our parents and guardians in encouraging online safety.


Primary 5 have scheduled P.E. sessions twice a week. There will be opportunities to participate in lots of activities and games including swimming, football, dance, gymnastics and athletics. After school sports activities are also provided for all KS2 children.

The Arts

Primary 5 children are invited to participate in our school choir. Tin whistle with Martina is continued from Primary 4 and other music opportunities including class role-plays, assemblies and school productions are all provided to ensure each child has the opportunity to shine. Through the use of topics as well as in-school competitions and wider initiates, children will use art and design to showcase their talents.  

In Primary 5, we have homework every week night (Monday to Thursday).  Homework is allocated for the week and is submitted to the teacher each Friday for marking and feedback.

  Literacy – Punctuation, Writing, Grammar and Comprehension activities
·  Numeracy - Mental Maths, Problem Solving and Topic Work
·  Spellings
·  Times-Tables
·  Reading – including class library book.
·  Online activities



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