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St Teresa's Primary School, Loughmacrory, Omagh, Tyrone

Primary 6

School Day

9:10am - School Starts
10:45am - Break
12:30pm - Lunch
2:45pm - Home time


In Primary 6 we strive to work hard every day and give everything 100% whilst enjoying the journey as we grow. Our curriculum is made up from the following subjects:


In Primary 6 we cover lots of exciting reading genres and different styles of writing; both fiction and non-fiction. We enjoy all of our guided, shared and modelled reading lessons as well as our many role play activities. These experiences help us to read with expression, write with confidence and increase our knowledge and understanding across the whole curriculum.


In Primary 6 we learn lots about Processes in Maths, Number, Data Handling, Measures and Shape and Space. We use all of this information to help us tackle problem solving activities and investigations. We use IZAK9 to help us talk about our Maths and to show that in solving a problem, there are always different strategies that can be used.


In Primary 6 we learn about the importance of our Parish, Diocese and the role the Church plays in our community. We also learn lots of stories about Jesus and try to follow the example Jesus taught us. Fr. McAnenly visits us regularly throughout the year.

World Around Us:

Our topics this year are:

  • Wonderful Water
  • Halloween
  • Vikings
  • Christmas
  • Natural Disasters
  • Farming

These topics will allow us to learn and share new experiences and develop our skills and knowledge in all cross curricular areas.

Personal Development and Mutual Understanding

PDMU is an opportunity to express our feelings and emotions and be aware of the importance of keeping safe and living healthy. It also allows us to develop relationships in school and in our community. We are delighted to have the opportunity to participate in PATHS, a programme that helps us to control and manage our feelings, behaviour and to plan a solution when experiencing a problem. We are very excited about Pupil of the Day, an opportunity to hear and share compliments with one another.


Primary 6 pupils will be using a wide variety of ICT resources such as laptops, fronter, I-Pad Apps or using the Interactive Whiteboard to help consolidate their learning across the curriculum. Children will share their work collaboratively, showcase their ideas and offer constructive feedback to allow improvement. This year we will be focusing on powerpoints, word processing and coding.


Primary 6 have P.E. every Tuesday and Thursday. This will involve a range of genres throughout the year – gymnastics, dance, games and athletics.

The Arts

All of the Arts will be delivered through our World Around Us topic. Children have the opportunity to express themselves through Art, Drama and Music based activities and express their talents and skills.

Rewards and Achievements

In Primary 6 we recognise the effort and hard work of all pupils by feeding into our table of the week reward system. This keeps us all on our toes.

All our knowledge, skills, talents and achievements are expressed through display work, creating a beautiful and stimulating learning environment for everyone.


In Year 6 we have homework every night (Monday to Thursday)

  • Literacy – Punctuation, Grammar or Comprehension activities
  • Numeracy - Mental Maths, Problem Solving and Topic Work
  • Spellings
  • Tables
  • Reading
  • Studyladder


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