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St Teresa's Primary School, Loughmacrory, Omagh, Tyrone

Primary 7

P7 Welcome

We would like to welcome everyone to their final year in St. Teresa’s Primary School. This is very exciting, fun, rewarding and important year for all the pupils as they conclude their primary school years and prepare for the transition to the next stage of their educational journey.

 School Day

9.10am – School Starts

10.45am – Break

12.30pm – Lunch

2.45pm – Home Time


As this is our final year in Primary School, there will be an exciting combination of curriculum-based activities, sporting competitions, quizzes, Young Enterprise business beginnings, research projects both in and out of school and transition days between schools.


We’ll be studying an exciting range of narrative and non-narrative texts in both written and digital form. We enjoy all of our guided, shared and modelled reading and writing lessons; and aim to provide our pupils with the necessary skills and qualities to be proficient in this subject area.


We’ll be learning lots about Processes in Maths, Number, Data Handling, Measures and Shape and Space and we’ll be using the understanding of these strands to help us solve various problems and investigations. Mathletics and Izak9 will also be incorporated into our everyday teaching to help reinforce these skills.


Primary 7 is a very important year as we will be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. We will be working closely with our parish priest, Fr. McAnenly, to make sure we are well prepared for this special day.

World Around Us

This year we will be studying the topics of: -

  • All About Ireland
  • The Great Famine
  • Christmas
  • World War 2
  • Transition
  • Confirmation

These exciting topics will mean there will be lots to keep us busy and lots of cross curricular links to enjoy.


In PDMU, we get to explore our personal and emotional development, health and safety, relationships with others, and how we can all work together for the good of our community. We get to use our PATHS strategies for problem solving which is consistently enforced throughout our school.

The Arts

All of the Arts will be delivered through our World Around Us topics. Children will be given numerous opportunities to express themselves through Art, Drama and Music based activities in front of an audience.


We will be completing a number of exciting activities across the curriculum this year looking at lots of new and exciting technologies: including programming with Scratch, animation, online collaboration, Green Screen, Canva and PowerPoint presentations using laptops, Chromebooks, iPads, surface pros, cameras and the touchscreen whiteboard.


Primary 7 have P.E. every Tuesday and Thursday. This will involve a range of genres throughout the year – gymnastics, dance, games and athletics.


In Primary 7 we have homework every night: -

  • Literacy – Comprehension, Grammar and Punctuation activities
  • Numeracy – Number Work, Topic Work, Problem-Solving and Investigations
  • ICT – Accelerated Reader and Studyladder
  • Spellings – Spelling Workbook activities
  • Times-Tables
  • Reading – Minimum of 20 minutes every night

Class Rewards

In Primary 7 we are constantly looking to catch our pupils being role models for the rest of the school. We use the Class Dojo reward system, and this acknowledges random acts of kindness, good effort, hard work and many other positive deeds. All our knowledge, skills, talents and achievements are expressed through display work, creating a beautiful and stimulating learning environment for everyone.

Expectations of our P7 Pupils:

  • Responsible, kind and caring
  • Role models
  • Leaders
  • Enthusiasm
  • Good manners
  • Mutual respect


We are looking forward to what is going to be an amazing final year in Primary School and want you to know that the P7 door is always open if you wish to discuss any school-related matters throughout the year.

Mr Gallagher



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What better way to head into the mid-term break than with a fantastic performance...
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Our Primary 7s had an amazing transition day at the Lough. They took part in many...
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